Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Well what do ya know?? I'm back again!

Hey hey!
   Guess who made it back for a second consecutive day?? LOL well, I'm at work and my client DIDN'T show up so I have to make this hour productive and to keep from stuffing my face LOL.  Lord Almighty help my co-worker across the hall, she is having to cut the hair on this little girl that is screaming and crying - I'd be like aw hell no, this ain't happening today! I just ran home and had a bowl of the chicken stew I made last night, of which by the way is freakin awesome!! 

Time for a brain fart! some random stuff is shuffling around my head LOL

Dirt Road Anthem :-)  Fall leaves, Starbucks - closing at 5? WTF??  Pixie Stix,  hugs and more hugs,   coffee in bed,  that moment at the airport <3, lost luggage!,  I love this Bar :-),  knucklehead :-),  boiled peanuts,  kiss your face :-),  the morning :-),  never goodbye, it's see ya soon,  words with friends, don't cry,  old dude gettin his groove on,  that weak in the stomach feeling,  flying at night and the city lights,  Klymaxx,  Georgetown!

Yeah, I have a quite vivid mental flow that flows faster than I can get it down most of the time! Well, I think the flow has burned out for the time being LOL .. got to get back to work :-)  

Monday, November 7, 2011

Once again, it's been a long time . . .

Once again, it's been right a year now since I've blogged - and it's not like I have this huge following that is nipping at my heels for some more "crazy" to feed on LOL!  Much has happened in the past year, some mentionable and some definitely NOT! But, what they say about the past and experience is soooo true!  I'm still in the same profession, making those beautiful nails and women walking around happy because their hands are beautiful once more, even if it's for two weeks at a time :-)  I have been single now since March, dated a few here and there - and you know what?? I freaking hate dating! I think I have had every "player" in a 100 mile radius magnetically drawn to me! I have met a few nice guys, but that's about it.  AND enough on THAT subject. Period.

My return to my blog is the result of journaling on my new MacBook (yes, my oldest daughter is proud) and my inner writer :-)  and without saying, another way to channel my excess brain energy (that evil bitch up there that tortures me with whatever she drifts to LOL) I'm learning patience - and for anyone that knows me good enough, patience might be a virtue but NEVER in my book LOL - so, due to a recent event in my life (to be disclosed at a future date) I am having to learn to BE patient.  Just the word Patience makes the hair on the back of my neck peak!  But for a certain person (that has been such a mentor to me on said subject) I will conquer this patience thing and prevail!!! LOL

Blogging vs. Journaling?  blogging will be subject to viewing by anyone, journaling will still remain private on my laptop, password protected (thank God!) LOL!!!

Well, in a nutshell, for now anyway, this is my return to blogging. If anybody reads it and can hang onto my ADD way of thinking (aka my mind throwing up thoughts 0-60 in 1.5 seconds and my fingers trying to keep up) theeeennn tune in often and you may get some amusement . .  

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Always find my way back :-)

Dear Blog,
     I really really REALLY didn't forget about you, in fact, I do realize I could work out some serious frustrations here but it may be read by those who would automatically think I am writing about them.  Hmmm well, that is a possibility but I'll just have to think of something else to bitch about heehee! I'm at a sort of stall and can't think of anything in particular to write sooooo, this will be my tiny post for the day .... glad to see ya again ole buddy :-)
The crazy one :-)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Really tired of Holy than Thou PEOPLE!!!

   I don't know why it irks me soooo bad but I am so sick of holier than thou Christians constantly having to preach down to everyone (including other Christians) or put down others because of their beliefs like they are so much better than them. I am a Christian - I may not be the best, I may not be like these "perfect" Christians, my temper may get the best of me several times a day, my witness may not be as perfect as yours is, I struggle with everyday ups and downs . . .

   BUT do you know what I do know??? I count. I count to the most important person, that being God - and that's all that matters. HE made me - HE knew when I would give my life to HIM - HE loves ME. HE loves me when I stumble (because I do all the time) HE knows that I will always stumble as long as I walk this earth - I am human. Becoming a Christian was by no means the right to look down on others like I am better than them.

   This may sound terrible but there is no other way to put it - I am soooo sick to death of people quoting scripture to me!!!! Either like I need it or to prove a point. You know what?? most of the time when I need scripture to boost me, somehow it presents itself in a way that I know it was meant for me - and to me that is more special and I receive it a whole lot better than I would without someone shoving it down my throat.

   I work in a business where I come in contact with women from all walks of life, Christian - non Christian - some not sure - some don't care - some who are afraid of "in your face Christians" - and most who don't want to feel like the need for salvation and baptism had got to happen TODAY!!! and threatened with "your going straight to hell" if you don't.

I do know this .... people respond to Love, Caring, and HUMBLENESS!! I have a family member that to this day probably does not have a relationship with God - because of religion being shoved on him. I pray for him, even though he did alot of bad things to his family - I KNOW there is still a place for him.

For my final rant . . . JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED!!

is one thought you need to ask yourself before you open your mouth - so if you think you rise above that then I am so glad you are perfect!!

   There are sooo many religions out there - my question is, each religion has their beliefs and supreme God, Whose to say that they arent talking about the same person as us, except using a different name?? Who are we to say they are going to hell because they worship "insert name here"?? We are way to quick to put down other religions or even different versions of the Christian faiths, because they don't do things the way we do. Do they really truly care or is just because they do it different than the staunch folks do? Honestly, I don't have the energy to try to save the world. I wouldn't say I don't care, but I understand and accept the fact that this world is way too big and I can only worry about what is closest and most important to me.

   I am tired of ranting. I feel like I am starting to have a debate with myself - uh not a good idea - don't want to burn the brain cells completely out LOL

   Comment - don't comment - If you think you might even come close to pissing me off - then it's best not to. LOL

The soap box is open.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Can you be TOO proud of your kids??? I think Not!

Hi, it's me - the long lost blogger LOL!  Anyway, life has been insane busy, spring is here and spring fever should be considered grounds for time off!! Life is flying so fast right now I wish I could just put my foot out and slow it down just a little.  I work so much sometimes I feel like I miss out on alot of my kids lives and trying to be supportive of them and what they are doing.  My oldest,  Kari - is in the final days of her nursing training - and it's done it's best to wear her down - but I know she will come out fine.  She isn't the mushy gushy sappy type - but her Mom is. I am so proud of her and her determination to get through this program that at her graduation and pinning I will be a big ball of mush and tears! She'll understand one day.  I love you baby and I am so proud of you :-)

Your big ball of mush,
   Mom :-) 

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The French "Bread" Connection :-)

This was a moment that you would have actually had to grab yourself to keep from peeing your pants WHILE trying to stifle the laughter . .. Let me elaborate :-) My fiance' didn't have to work his shift last night and decided to cook dinner after I sent word with my daughter that spaghetti (AKA busketti) sounded good for a nasty rainy night in.    He went to the store and got the stuff needed and began cooking, I'm just finishing at work and head home to find him in the kitchen cooking like a fiend. Although I wanted to offer up some suggestions that would make things go alot easier, I refrained so as not to appear as trying to control or takeover.  You know, maybe you ought to wait to cook the noodles after the sauce is simmering and brown the french bread LAST.  Nope, I proceeded to clean off the dining room table and get ready for a rare sit down meal.

     We (my girls & I) steer clear of the kitchen while dinner is being prepared only to hear a very loud expletive coming from the kitchen.  It was semi heart stopping so we jumped up and ran in the kitchen only to find that he had forgotten about the bread and it had turned not toasty brown, and  not dark brown (still okay to eat) but it was BLACK!  My girls and I just looked at each other with that raised eyebrow - deer in the headlights stare and said nothing.  We watched as he snatched the tray out of the oven, turned and proceeded to fly out of the back door and sling the bread (or semblance thereof) into the yard!!! or so we thought.  As he came back in I told him to take a break and I would throw some toast together and it would be okay.

     So... I was standing at the counter buttering and garlicking the bread and my oldest daughter comes up beside me, I could feel her looking at me like "what the heck just happened and should we laugh" look and then my body just started wrenching with the silent laughter shakes LOL!! Hoping to God that he didn't come back in the kitchen to find us giggling silently BUT he walks in and my back is to him and he said "You laughing?"  I could tell he wanted to be mad (and he was) but he had to laugh because only crap like that happens to him.  He looked like a little kid standing there  pouting because he is an eater and wants exactly what he wants to eat and if it isn't what he wants, he just isn't going to be satisfied with a stand in.  

    That ain't all.   After the tension was broken (slightly) my girls and I step out the back door to see where the projectiles ended up and to our shock and amazement, most of them made it to the street! we started laughing so hard, because the few cars that had come by sounded like they had run over a big stick or something! It's just something that couldn't die down quickly - it took a few hours to eventually settle down - BUT will not be forgotten! LOL

     Climbing into bed I started chuckling to myself and he just looked at me with no better description than a "shit eating" grin, because he knew exactly what I was humored by :-)

One very needed laugh in a day of our crazy lives. Everybody needs one :-) 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ain't Nothing Like Randomness

Where to begin . . . sometimes you just have to stop and laugh at some moments (another way of stopping and smelling the roses) like the other day, we were watching Armageddon, one of my most favorite movies :-)  and my youngest daughter proceeded to inquire about NASA. "is there more than one??" Me, "yes, the shuttle usually takes off from one site, usually Florida, is tracked by Mission Control in Houston, and where it lands depends on what window they are attempting to meet, and that might just be in California."  And with total innocence and suprise said "Ohhhh! so THAT's why they say "Houston we have a problem"" Honestly, I couldn't move or utter a sound, I could only stare and had this frozen raised eyebrow thing going on.  Then I would say 10 seconds had gone by and then the laughter took me over! She grins and says "Mom! I didn't know!!"  Okay, we only watch this movie EVERY time it comes on - I know most of the dialogue and could utter just about every word in my sleep (yes - pitiful I know)  It might have been one of those "you had to be there" moments, but moments worth savoring. 

Hopefully, as I get into those really golden years, it's times like those I won't forget and can dwell on those, especially when everything else is gone - hair, health, teeth, men, friends, etc. LOL  

I'm sure my child will appreciate me blogging this, oh well - they always get over it :-)  She knows her quirks (AKA blonde moments) keep me going :-)