Monday, May 17, 2010

Really tired of Holy than Thou PEOPLE!!!

   I don't know why it irks me soooo bad but I am so sick of holier than thou Christians constantly having to preach down to everyone (including other Christians) or put down others because of their beliefs like they are so much better than them. I am a Christian - I may not be the best, I may not be like these "perfect" Christians, my temper may get the best of me several times a day, my witness may not be as perfect as yours is, I struggle with everyday ups and downs . . .

   BUT do you know what I do know??? I count. I count to the most important person, that being God - and that's all that matters. HE made me - HE knew when I would give my life to HIM - HE loves ME. HE loves me when I stumble (because I do all the time) HE knows that I will always stumble as long as I walk this earth - I am human. Becoming a Christian was by no means the right to look down on others like I am better than them.

   This may sound terrible but there is no other way to put it - I am soooo sick to death of people quoting scripture to me!!!! Either like I need it or to prove a point. You know what?? most of the time when I need scripture to boost me, somehow it presents itself in a way that I know it was meant for me - and to me that is more special and I receive it a whole lot better than I would without someone shoving it down my throat.

   I work in a business where I come in contact with women from all walks of life, Christian - non Christian - some not sure - some don't care - some who are afraid of "in your face Christians" - and most who don't want to feel like the need for salvation and baptism had got to happen TODAY!!! and threatened with "your going straight to hell" if you don't.

I do know this .... people respond to Love, Caring, and HUMBLENESS!! I have a family member that to this day probably does not have a relationship with God - because of religion being shoved on him. I pray for him, even though he did alot of bad things to his family - I KNOW there is still a place for him.

For my final rant . . . JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED!!

is one thought you need to ask yourself before you open your mouth - so if you think you rise above that then I am so glad you are perfect!!

   There are sooo many religions out there - my question is, each religion has their beliefs and supreme God, Whose to say that they arent talking about the same person as us, except using a different name?? Who are we to say they are going to hell because they worship "insert name here"?? We are way to quick to put down other religions or even different versions of the Christian faiths, because they don't do things the way we do. Do they really truly care or is just because they do it different than the staunch folks do? Honestly, I don't have the energy to try to save the world. I wouldn't say I don't care, but I understand and accept the fact that this world is way too big and I can only worry about what is closest and most important to me.

   I am tired of ranting. I feel like I am starting to have a debate with myself - uh not a good idea - don't want to burn the brain cells completely out LOL

   Comment - don't comment - If you think you might even come close to pissing me off - then it's best not to. LOL

The soap box is open.


Lothiriel said...

Rant on!

I totally agree!!!

I hate it when these so-called Christians act all better than you and everything! I used to have a college friend that was like that. She was the preacher's daughter. She went to a total different church than me.

She used to say I was a slut because I'd hug my guy friends...LOL! If had slept with them, what would that have made me?

Anonymous said...

Love it Lynn. Glad I have learned that lesson. Rant on girl. Life is to short for us to worry about what ppeople think. I still have that with me. Working on it. Love you, Paula