Friday, August 28, 2009

Late night or more like Early morning CRAZY!!!

Yes, it's an unGodly hour of the morning but I am still awake as usual LOL  but didn't have time to post anything until now - blame it on work :-)  

You want to know what is crazy?? Effing roaches!!! just when you think you've gotten rid of them, you will be sitting watching TV, working on your computer or just walking through a room and there one of those SOB's will be perched up on the wall looking at you like you are the next meal - I mean these suckers could handle 2 saddles!!!  The guy at Lowe's said "well at least the ones you have only come inside to get what they need and then they leave"  ((crickets chirping))  I don't give a rats arse what THEY want! I want them out for good!! at least they are not food roaches!! my cat is even scared of them LOL  and let one of my girls see one, not one eye in my house will shut for the night until that sucker is found and squished flat!  

oh no, here comes some of that random crazy from the brainpan!  SNORING!!  golf,  oohhh pretty green,  passionate kisses :-) TGIF, supply house, mmm michelob ultra, my car payment,  west avenue 500,  starbucks in the am, ooooo I am getting sleepy, d r i f t i n g   a w a y ..... 

that's my cue :-)   Peace & Chicken Grease! LOL

~ L ~

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