Monday, October 26, 2009

Getting back to it

It's been awhile since I blogged last - I've been consumed with Mi Vida Loca and believe me if I didn't have to sleep I wouldn't - I have been cutting into my sleep time for purely selfish reasons, doing what I want to do - LOL even if I have to rewind the DVD to watch the same 30 minute segments I fell asleep in at least 4 times LOL!!  The holidays are rapidly approaching and I almost cringe knowing how hectic things become for my business.  Believe me, parties = crazy women insane about having their nails done for every party - "but ma'am, I just did your nails 23 hours ago -  I know but they HAVE to be fresh for THIS party!!!" of course with this crazed look in their eyes :-) 

Don't get me wrong - it is wonderful to be in hot demand by so many but after awhile I am ready to crawl under a rock,  a rock in Cancun would be even better!   I operate solely on the fact that sometime in the near future the FAT lady willl sing and my ship will come in! If it parks in my lap - I wouldn't complain - I need a vacation!!!! 

I was running the other day and had a total meltdown with my ipod - I love gadgets and electronics - but let me tell you how insane crazy I can get when they freeze up or don't do what I expect them to do . . . I'll put it this way, the first mile I had music (which makes running bearable) the next 3 miles was fueled by complete anger and frustration.  Needless to say, after I picked my daughter up from school, I had to pay a visit to the Apple store.  The sales guy kept going on about trading in my old ipod and I was trying to evade the whole trade in thing he kept pushing by saying "Listen! I don't have it, it will never make it in here so get off it! you would'nt even recognize it as an Ipod!!" Okay???  all he could say was "Yes Ma'am" with this total shock in his eyes as if I committed murder or something! LOL!!!  Within in minutes I was walking out with the cadillac of ipods - the itouch :-)   I know my daughter is a mac freak and she wants to make me one too, but I will take alot longer to sway over to "the other side" :-)   This is a good start though.   Oh well, good to be back blasting my thoughts out on the keyboard - tune in next time - more drama - even more crazy.......


Lothiriel said...

Not an Apple fan myself, but I do love the iPods!!

Karilynnlove said...

Once you go Mac, you'll never go back! Ha!